Well here we go, down the rabbit-hole of blogging. This blog is solely for the purpose of keeping interested family, friends, acquaintances, stalkers, and associated parties updated on all the goings-on of yours truly in the fantastical world of Rexburg, Idaho. As such, it will only be updated while I'm here, meaning roughly 8 months of the year minimum. For those of you who don't know, BYU-Idaho, the university I'm attending up here, is on a track system. When a student is accepted, they are assigned a track containing two semesters (Winter-Spring, Spring-Fall, Fall-Winter). The student then attends school for those two semesters and is "off-track" during the other semester and is free to do whatever he/she wishes...basically. I was one of the fortunate ones to receive the Spring-Fall track, thus effectively dodging the bitter winters that Rexburg (sometimes affectionately called "Iceburg") is known for. The reason for the track system is to allow more students into the small-but-ever-growing school. It seems to be working because they haven't changed the system yet. As a side-note, this blog will be updated roughly once a week, or however often I feel like it. With that being said, it's time to get down to business.
As of today, I have officially started all my classes. It's a hodgepodge of classes this semester: Auto Maintenance, Human Nutrition, University Band, Writing and Reasoning, New Testament, and International Latin Dancing. It's looking like another semester of 6 classes and 12 credits. So far any attempts to add more classes that I actually need have left me disappointed. I'm not too beat up about that, however, considering my workloads are foreshadowed to be lots of time-consuming assignments that will take up a large portion of my time. Once I find a job in this seemingly job-barren land, my time will practically be gone. I guess we'll really see how things pan out as time wears on.
It's always good to see familiar faces and meet new ones. Although I have a naturally reserved personality, I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. It's fun to be able to walk around campus or town and always be saying "hi" to people I recognize along the way to wherever I'm going. It's even better if I have classes with friends from previous semesters. One of the downsides of knowing a lot of people is not having the time to see everyone as often as I would like to. Having classes together makes it easier. Using a planner is a good idea as well. Being as popular as I am (HA), keeping organized and knowing the "whats" and "whens" of my busy school life is a necessary and priceless thing. Those of you who know me well enough know that I can become quite scatter-brained and forgetful which usually gets worse as stress and demands pile up.
In closing, I feel I should warn you readers that this blog will most likely be very boring and such. If you are a faithful reader, you may receive a little nugget of humor or pleasing material, but read at your own risk. I absolve myself from being responsible for your enjoyment; how much you enjoy this blog is entirely based on your tastes and is your decision and I can't control that.
PS: I'm still feeling my way through this, so bear with me.
Yay - a blog! I think it's a good idea :)
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with you and rabbit holes?
ReplyDeletethe blog was my idea, wasn't it? I hope it wasn't a mistake. :)
ReplyDeleteBy "blogitry" are you intentionally combining "blog" and "bigotry" for some reason?
Also, if you do any great activities or assignments or exercises in your English class, let me know, because it sounds like it is a class a lot like the one I am teaching this semester, and I could use all the help I can get as far as ideas like that go.
Also thanks for not calling me on my birthday.