Creative title, yeah? I thought it was. Anyway, here we are in the last week of the semester! Oh, it feels good, mainly because all of my English stuff is done with already! It was my most time-consuming class. I had to rewrite my research paper and include the suggestions my teacher made and just improve it overall. I thought I had made it worse in the rewrite, but I actually got a higher grade! Well, that's according to my online grades center; I haven't actually gotten my paper back. That's tomorrow.
The concert went very well! I knew where I messed up and such, but everyone said it sounded fine. I realized that the band members' mistakes are generally most noticeable to the band members themselves. The audience (unless they're scrutinizing) will either not hear the one mistake or not remember it by the end of the song. The day after the concert was the dance competition for the whole school. That went well also! I competed in both Samba and Cha-cha. It's a series of elimination rounds for each skill level and dance and there are so many competitors at first that you're really more lucky than anything else to make it past the first round. Anyway, my partner, Jaclyn Olsen, and I got 3rd place in Samba! It was crazy! Then for the Cha-cha, I danced with my old cha-cha partner from last semester, Lindsey Lewis, and we didn't even make it past the first round. We didn't really mind, though. We got 4th last semester and weren't even expecting to make it past the first round. This time around we really didn't, and were a-okay with that.
Saturday night, some roommates, friends, and I went up by Targhee Pass (for those of you who know where that is) and chopped down a Christmas tree. The permit was about 5 bucks, which was pretty sweet. After about 20 minutes of trudging through thigh-high snow, we found our tree and chopped it down. Then, my roommate and I carried it back. That was fun. we carried it on our shoulders and I was in back. Luckily, there was a pocket for my face so I could avoid getting pine needles shoved up my nose. I just couldn't see where I was going, so going back to the car was an adventure. The rest of the night was full of good times with a few friends: ginger-bread house making, decorating the tree (we don't have much on it...), and watching one of my favorite Christmas movies, Scrooge with Albert Finney.
Long story short, as a result of that night, I have a girlfriend. Yep, it's true, Steven Brown can get a girlfriend, ha ha ha. Further details can be obtained through inquiry.
Last night, I was in the performance of Handel's Messiah with the University's choirs, band, and orchestra. It was amazing. Everyone came together nicely to pull off a spectacular performance. Those who were there would surely agree. The band only had the music for about a week, give or take a few days, and we only practiced all together (choirs, orchestra, band) yesterday from about 1-5:45pm. Good times there.
Lastly, I'm one of the stars of a commercial now. My roommate started up a tie business called "Tiephoon Station" and has some really good ties...just sayin'. You can find it on Facebook and in the blogs. The commercial is on my Facebook page, you might say I'm a natural. Ha ha, anyway...
Well that's about it for me right now. I only have a few finals this week. One of them is for my dance class. I'll be dancing Samba and Cha-cha for Ron Mendez from Dancing with the Stars. I have a total of five dance partners to do this with, too. So that's five times I'll be dancing two dances in front of Ron Mendez (I think that's his name). Wish me luck!