Well here we are, into the seven-week break.
Coming off of such highs as being the only student in my Anatomy and Physiology class to get 100/100 on the last lecture test and having decent grades for a busy semester, I plunge into the norm of being back in Salt Lake City. Thankfully I already have work here from email after email asking about shifts that I could possibly cover. Socially, I'm in comparative isolation which is not necessarily a bad thing, but one can have too much of that. I'm sure there's a at least one of you reading this that knows what I mean.
The twists and turns that one goes down in life sure make it interesting, but interesting doesn't always mean good and happy. Indeed certain revelations have been more than welcome in the past week or so, but bring with them the keen sting of opportunity not seized and aching for what seems to be the impossible at the moment. Sixteen hours is a long time span to be perpetually separated by. However, life continues in its endless march for the future and brighter horizons; the brightest yet to be happened upon. Normally we can only see what the future holds when we come to the threshold of it.
On a different note, I have been having a good break so far. Worked a little, tried twice to help with a new deck (being twice foiled by weather), tried acquiring super powers from a giant moth (the body looked to be about 3" long, without antennae) unsuccessfully, and reading up a storm with some books that I have been itching to read basically the whole semester. With that reading, I've learned something about myself. A while ago, a friend told me that when he reads for a long time, he begins to narrate in his head/think in the manner of the author's writing style. I do that too. Lately it's been Dean Koontz's style rebounding within my skull. I wonder how many people have that happen to them as well.
To close out, I've decided that these seven weeks are not going to be marked by a sedentary lifestyle. Although tempting after a busy semester, it's just no way to live. So feel free to ask me how my active lifestyle is working out! I'll be updating this blog here and there during the seven weeks, so you may ask here or in other ways that you know how to contact me.