Indeed the weather has a rapid-change multiple personality disorder but one thing is a constant throughout it all: the wind. Whether it's a small breeze or a gust of fury, it is almost always there. Admittedly there have been about two days that were without wind, but those were also the days that all the animals sprouted wings and became flying menaces to the city for a day. However, they all went back to their homes and continued their lives as normal once the wind picked up again.
At any rate, aside from the occasional freak mutation of squirrels, cats, and things, life is rather normal...for BYU-Idaho. In my A&P lab, we've finished off the entire skeleton and will be tested on it next week. The test will go thus: we'll be let into the lab room 20-something at a time. Bones with labels on certain parts of them (corresponding to note cards that will have a question) will be spread out on the tables. We will have about 1 minute at each "station" to answer the question (such as "Name this structure", or "Name this bone", or the like). We will go over about 50 questions, I believe. So there you have it, folks; if you don't know your bones inside and out (in some cases literally, like the skull), you're sunk. Time to bone up on it all...
So looking at the picture that is with my post from November of last year entitled "Thanksgiving Break!", you'll notice the houses and nice big trees. Here's what it looks like now: ------------------------->

For reference, the tree all the way to the right in this picture is the same tree at the far right of the other picture.
Nice, eh? My prediction is that we'll be looking at this eye-sore for quite some time. The plan is to put the 5-story building right there. I just feel sorry for the people in the houses and apartments around the construction sight.
Moving along, another highlight of the week was last Thursday, when I played for the ward Ultimate Frisbee team. That was a fun game. First off, the wind was relentlessly blowing in one direction on the field, which happened to be going towards one goal area the entire game. Basically, the only way anybody scored was when they were going with the wind (although there was a time or two where a goal was almost had going against it). That game I earned more than my fair share of grass stains and scrapes and a nickname. The other team started calling me Peter Parker and Spiderman, which I choose to take as a big compliment on my playing. My team won the game with an intense "buzzer-beater". The game-winning point was made just as the time ran out. It was amazing.
Anyway, it seems that these are the highlights of the week. For those who would be even remotely interested, my dating stats so far are 2 dates, both blind dates. They were both good dates, too, which would be encouraging for those who labor under the belief that there is no such thing as a good blind date. On that note, peace-out.
I'll not lie, all this talk about ultimate frisbee in your blog is making me jealous.
ReplyDeleteProblem though... why don't you correct people when they call you by the wrong super hero name, Flat Face? Hehe. It sounds like you're having fun!