Well folks, here we go again! Yes-siree, the blog is springing back to life like a 90 year-old arthritic man springing from his bed after a deep sleep. Indeed, I bet some of you are just as excited at this blog coming back as the previously-mentioned man is about getting up. All I have to say is that nobody's forcing you to read this, so there. I can't imagine this new streak of blog posts will be any more exciting or any better than Fall semester's posts. At this point, I think the most you can all hope for are potentially humorous dating stories and potentially boring human anatomy tidbits.
It's hard to say what this semester has in store for me, honestly. I can see a good work load every day with the classes I'm taking. Speaking of, they are as follows: Math 110 (college algebra), Chemistry 105 (with, from what I'm gathering, the hardest teacher for the class), Biology 264 (Human Anatomy and Physiology I), and Religion 324 (Doctrine and Covenants). I'm technically also signed up for Math 109 (Precalculus) which is a mistake and a class that I can't, for whatever reason, seem to drop. So there's potentially another source of humor for the semester...We'll have to see.
Anyway, classes don't start until Tuesday, so I'm up here kickin'-it in Rexburg, waiting for more people to show up. Job searching will be fun, as always. Competing with 100 students for one job is not something I take pleasure in.
Anyway, it's windy (like it always is in good ol' Rexburg) but beautiful outside and I'm getting cabin fever. As for my chemistry teacher, we'll see if he's really all he's cracked up to be, or if he's just one of those teachers that most students don't like but turns out to be one that I do like. At any rate, I'm keeping you posted, signing out, and headed for something great!
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