Hello again, ladies, gentlemen, and others. This post's title is brought to you by the striking similarity between my Anatomy and Physiology homework and my Chemistry homework. We're on to chapter two in both classes and are getting into chemistry for Anat. and Phys. while getting into the Periodic Table of Elements in Chemistry. There was a point when I was reading my A&P book when I thought it would be a good time to wrap up my chemistry homework and get to my A&P homework. There are slight differences between the classes, of course. A&P's chemistry is fairly basic and focuses on the uses in the body (as one would hope), whereas chemistry goes more in depth and even delves into physics to help explain a thing or two. There are border-crossings every which way with these subjects; no science is sacred.
Anyway, you might be wondering about the odd-looking drink at the top of this. In case you can't read the label, it's called a Green River and is one of my favorite soft drinks. I first happened upon them at Scout Camp at Camp Meriwether, which sits right on the Oregon Coast. Ever since then, I've been looking for them (not very hard) with no luck. Only recently did I find out that they're made in Chicago, Illinois. A dear FHE Sister and good friend actually had a few shipped out. With my birthday rapidly approaching and my resolve to be a good home teacher, I received two bottles. If you live close by and are itching to see what they taste like, I might be persuaded to share...for a modest fee.
At any rate, life chugs along like it always had. Epithelial and connective tissues swirl and mix in with Church doctrine, elements, fundamental particles, conversion factors, mathematical functions, etc. to churn out a potent syrup of chaos in my mind. That's not including the other areas that require my attention, such as job-hunting. Really, I, like Bilbo Baggins of The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkien, feel like butter spread over too much bread, but only sometimes. We're only two weeks into it all, so I'm still feeling out the groove and rhythm that will make this all manageable and like clockwork. And with that, it's time for this Jack to be a dull boy.
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