So life has its ups and downs, per usual. Human Anatomy and Physiology has tried to swallow me whole but ended up having to fight Chemistry and Algebra for me. So in a way, I'm grateful that all three have tried to claim me because if they hadn't, one would have succeeded and I wouldn't be writing this right least coherently...well, you know what I mean. I was told that the forearm would be the muscle equivalent of the skull, and they were pretty much right. Your forearm is more complex than you would think and is a beast to try and figure out using the models they give you (maybe it was because I was really tired and didn't feel like being there in the first place). Lucky for us students, there are people who donate their bodies to science. Cadavers are very valuable to an A&P class.
My Chemistry class is not a chemistry class for at least 2 weeks, but a physics class instead. We're dealing with light and what my chemistry teacher calls "wavicles", which are things that have both the properties of a particle and a wave, like light itself, electrons, so on and so forth. This is the same chemistry teacher who said that water molecules, upon absorbing heat from microwaves, begin to spin around very fast and turn into "lots of tiny, microscopic ninjas-HiyAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Indeed he did scream "hiya!" in the middle of class. I'm liking this class, but the quizzes and exams try to kill me (unsuccessfully, thank goodness).
Algebra is the same as it always is, we're just going through polynomials and such right now. That's about it and yeeha for that.
My religion class is really great. My teacher, Brother Pyper, loves church history, so we get a lot of church history in with our lessons, especially since it's a Doctrine and Covenants class. Also, he has a doctorate that makes him very knowledgeable with Old Testament stuff. It's just amazing and I soak up every minute of the class.
Anyway, I should be wrapping this up now. Referring to the title of this post and the beginning, life seems to be going at break-neck speeds in some parts and matching cold molasses in others. Funny. Anyway, here are a few pictures from my date with the wonderful Miss Bethany last week. Enjoy!

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