I want to start this post out by saying that I will be dedicating a certain portion of my life to training my molecules to obey my commands. The reason is that I wouldn't have to really expend any amount of work to move and I would go really, really fast. I learned in my chemistry class the other day that molecules move really, really fast, just in random directions. In order to move ourselves anywhere, we have to fight the molecules' "desire" to just stay in their little areas of random movement. If we were to figure out how to get our molecules to obey simple commands and move in unison, we wouldn't have to fight that "desire" and we would move extremely fast (we're talking 1000s of mph). That's when the guy sitting next to me in class decided that it's how Superman flies and how he's so fast while still able to kick the bad guys' butts. Unfortunately, my molecules aren't very responsive, but they stay together to make my body, so I'm happy about that. And that's all in spite of my efforts to get my molecules to disband; which brings me to my fun activities of the week.
First off, Chemistry Lab. This week in the lab we took copper (II) and set it through a series of reactions that eventually turned it back into plain ol' copper (II) again. Fun, right? Well, most of those reactions involved the hazardous chemicals that you normally think of when one thinks of laboratory experiments. To name a couple, we used Nitrous Acid and Sulfuric Acid, both of which will literally make your flesh slough off your bones. We also had by-products like Nitrogen Dioxide, which is brown in color and, simply put, will kill you (kind of like when a roommate has eaten too many eggs or something). There were also dangerous instruments, like the bunson burner, which gets up to around 900 degrees. I survived the entire lab with one injury: I poked myself with my pencil. Yep, boohoo for me.
Second off, ward sports. I am a part of three ward teams this semester (ultimate frisbee (of course), soccer, and softball) and I attend the games when I can. Wednesday night was a double-whammy of Ultimate at 8:15 and softball at 10:15 (each game is only 45 minutes). Frisbee was plenty fun- no real injuries. In fact, it gave me a good start to the night. For those who really know my soccer skills, you're probably questioning why I'm acting like I have any soccer skills. The truth is, I do. They're not much to brag about, mind you, but they're there. With that being said, I've never been very confident on the soccer field, especially if I haven't played for a semester or so, though that doesn't stop me from trying and having a good time. Anyway, this game started out really well for me. I was a defender (per usual) and I made some good blocks/interceptions, got some proper headers and things of that nature. Well, I had a toe-punt that lacked good technique (the technique is basically to not break your toe) and also a run-in with an opposing player that resulted in my toe being roughed up. Those are the two candidates for the unusual pain and accompanying blood that I noticed oozing into my sock and consequently a little into my shoe. It's nothing serious, my toe's bruised and the toenail got partially separated from the nail bed. By the end of the night, a scrape on my shin and knee from another player's cleats felt worse than my toe, so it really wasn't acting up at all.
As for the molecules in my brain, they're a-okay because I made sure to header the ball correctly, thus not giving myself a concussion or any sort of real brain damage. I've found that school is easier the more (correctly) functioning brain-matter you have. Since this week has been a little busy for me, I've tried to take especially good care of that mass of neurons and fat and such that's cradled in my skull. Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Algebra, I had midterm equivalents in each one of them this week. I still have one more test to take, too. Oh how I love the near-dementia test weeks can sometimes produce...Good thing is that I feel pretty good about all my tests so far (except chemistry, but my teacher tries to match an ideal grade bell curve as close as he can (meaning most of his students would have C's), so it's hard to feel good after one of his tests). I do have a feeling, though, that these next few weeks, maybe even the rest of the semester, will not be so enjoyable. We're going over a complicated process called action potentials in A&P which will give us the basis for everything else that we will talk about from here on out. We're starting up a little physics in chemistry, talking about waves and such, which doesn't seem so bad now, but we're only one page into the chapter notes. Doctrine and Covenants will plug along as it usually does, thank goodness, and Algebra shouldn't be too bad either. So I guess it's really just my two hefty classes will get even heavier.
Anyway, I should probably think about wrapping this up for the sanity of those of you who actually read these inane ramblings that I've managed to format into a blog. That, and I have a date tonight. This is one that I intentionally got myself, even. Impressive, eh? I thought so. This date involves picture-taking, so if you're lucky, some of the pictures just might make it onto this very blog. At any rate, I'll close with explaining the picture at the top of this. We had a ward social last night that provided dinner and had an elite panel of 3 guys and 3 girls who were to answer questions about dating. When I say elite, I really mean we were basically an aggregate with the specifications of 3 guys and 3 girls. Yes, I was on that panel and that was my placement marker. Notice how it's not my handwriting...just thought I would point that out. It was a good time, though I was pretty nervous most of the time and couldn't really think of anything to say. I think the best thing I said came from a religion teacher of mine. He said that in the dating world, you shouldn't really push the subject, but instead focus on being who you are supposed to be. So there you have it, and on that note, I'm out of here.
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